Harry finds out that he was being fed love potions fanfiction. They both go to Australia to find her parents.

Harry finds out that he was being fed love potions fanfiction. "Ah, yes," he said softly, "Harry Potter.

" "I love you too," he blurted, not really knowing what he was saying. Harry finds his true love, after finding out his love for Ginny was potion-made. Nov 15, 2021 · She stared at the ground closely, trying to fight the anxiety and anger that was bubbling within her chest like mixed ingredients in a clawed foot cauldron. Both are reluctant participants in this new arrangement, but during Harry’s recovery, a shocking truth is unveiled: Snape is Harry’s biological father. He produced a knife and rolling up Severus' sleeves he saw the dark mark present. "If you would follow me please I will take you to the room where the wills will be read, then we will come back in here and take care of any other business before the healers arrive. He was almost kind, and then Harry's Patronus burst forth. Figuring he could afford to waste some time, Harry idly found scanned the table of contents, searching for a love potion. Since they made Head Boy and Girl they spent most of their time together and had practically became inseparable, something that they had foreseen. He does his best to 'act normal', and finds that by the time he is able to get his hands on more of the potion, he doesn't need it any more. Acting purely on instinct Harry threw his magic at the intruder, tearing into the probe as viciously as he could in an attempt to make it withdraw. On the road to recovery he finds new love in an unexpected person. "I'm breaking She'd had quite a crush on him her sixth year. They asked the nurse whether they can figure out to whom the love potion was keyed to. "But I didn't!" Harry lashed out, "Not on purpose anyways!" Harry finds out the man he loves is still alive. Every morning, he digged through the Weasley's trash until he found the perfume bottle, where he poured the love potion on it and threw out the content again, leaving the trace of love potion in the bottle. "No!" Harry yelled, vaulting over the table and getting in between them. He’d never been particularly interested in school before, being preoccupied with avoiding Dudley, chores, avoiding Dudley, keeping the peace with his relatives to avoid his uncle’s version of child rearing, and avoiding Dudley. Then he sent the letter with the bottle to the Weasleys. I am sure you will agree once you meet him. Jun 17, 2012 · Harry finds out he has a brother and tries to find him in hopes they can actually be family before it's too late. Harry Potter enters the great hall for his sorting, and the mysterious potions master, Severus Snape, sees Harry Potter for the first time and rather than seeing hate, he sees those eyes, her eyes. He didn't need to be told twice. Takes place after the end of seventh year. Also sitting at the table for the first time was the new Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor. Then he plotted his revenge for the interfering Headmaster. A love potionhe did like the sound of that. Side effects were bound to come into play after months being hidden in her trunk. "Once, the potion is done, we'll launch our plan. "No. Mar 26, 2018 · Severus knew Harry was leaving a lot out of the story. He raised his wand. Harry heard Draco let out a cry of pleasure. The only two times I can remember love potions playing a role in the canon plot is with Ron being dosed; directly leading to the discovery of another assassination attempt on Dumbledore; and in the distant past, with Merope Gaunt using them to sire Tom Riddle Junior. Part two to Forever Love. During his stay, he ends up with the biggest surprise of his life and has no idea what to do about it. " Once back in the infirmary he walked over to the bed Harry was on and shook his head when he saw that the young teen was sleeping. " The three bid Severus farewell, as he walked out of the shop. Something else flew out and landed with more of a squeak. " "No, Harry," Hermione said gently, like she was explaining something to a child. "Elves have droppers for giving babies potions. He was brilliant, and his wit… when it wasn't being directed at her, it was intoxicating. "That's it!" Hermione exclaimed. The voice was not Ginny's. To Be Continued (A/N: Thanks for reading, and the next chapter is coming soon- lots of smut in that of course! Love obsession. He saw Severus viewing his guardian's memories of Harry's own abuse and neglect. He knew that Harry was presenting this story in a very Slytherin way, show no weakness, but show strength. " she turned toward Severus who had been carefully studying her. Harry grabbed her hips and really started fucking her hard. . When Harry's abusive alpha kicks him out of the house, Harry goes to his friends for help. He then began using the vibrating silver balls inside Harry. Severus nodded and carried his son up the stairs, slow enough to not jostle him too much, but fast enough so he could help his son as soon as possible. "Get out!" Professor Snape screamed as he shoved Harry from him. After a severe accident at Hogwarts leaves Harry Potter incapacitated, he is placed under the care of the stern Potions Master, Severus Snape. Well, all the champions except for Ron; he was just casually reading a Quidditch magazine and eating some snacks he had pilfered from the twins' trunk (unaware that they were actually experimental prank sweets which would not take effect until a particular moment in time). Nov 18, 2012 · "Okay, but I thought those were feelings of sisterly and brotherly love?" Harry questions while Scomparsa snorts out his amusement. He set Harry to work doing the household chores and making the meals. But he couldn't marry anyone, it had to be a muggle-born. After taking some time to heal, Harry finds out that Dumbledore left him his home. Draco didn't know if he should interfere or not. " Harry whispered as he felt the effects of the potion, his throat hoarse. After a particularly vitriolic tirade against the Potions Master, he tells Professor McGonagall of his unhappiness, and she has an interesting proposition. Yaoi and mpreg. "Muggles. The newspaper crumpled in his hands as he gripped it slight to hard. In case you didn't realise, had you married Hermione with her being put under love potions, and slept with her, it would have been rape. " "What happens when the potion wears off?" Alice Once Snape finds out, he is infuriated and wants nothing to do with her. When the month has ended, there will be a shadowed memory of the love, but if love is pure, it will remain. I love you, Harry, and I want to be yours. And since he was with Ginny, I believe the culprit is obvious. Snape finished calling the names and looked up at the May 28, 2021 · He was a teenager then, and he is brilliant at potions, even though he doesn't have a mastery, I am sure he is adept at what is taught in the 7 years, and I'm sure he can pursue his Mastery in potions from here. "He used an unforgivable on them both-at separate times of course. Harry knew that Dumbledore was vastly more experienced at Mind Magics than he was and that he was unlikely to be able to hold out for very long. The choice will be made. "Now, could you ever forgive him? I never want to speak to him again for what he did to you. Tonks Deciding to use the potion Snape was having the class brew, a truth cerium, part of the N. Mar 17, 2024 · Ginny Weasley was notorious for having attempted to beguile Harry's affections with a love potion during his sixth year. Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics. This means somebody did give him a love potion. He wasn't prepared for the potions accident and being sent back to the forties or the two men that would change his life forever. "Why that little…" Harry finds out the man he loves is still alive. The reason he can't bear to see Severus' dead, the reason his heart pains him so much, the strange feeling he has when remembering his old potions professor; it was because he loved him. The man had turned his back on one of his best friends only on Dumbledore's word. " "Moral high ground?" Harry said with a smirk. 6 days ago · With Harry, he feels desolate and separated from the connection that he used to have with everyone else, and with the responsibility of conquering Lord Voldemort and discovering the hidden Horcruxes, his plan feels misshapen and distorted when you take a look at the likelihood chances. In a world that was quick to overlook the quiet diligence of women, she had carved out a place for herself with the precision of her potions, the very same that had once earned her high marks in Snape's class. Severus had seen her, watching as he spoke to the parents. His name was Remus Lupin and he had just saved Harry on the Hogwarts Express on the way to school from a Dementor. "Well, then Professor Snape did something out of character. Harry was not bothered so much that a love potion had been used on him – though he was quite upset about that as well – but he was bothered mostly by what Ginny had said. Love potions that last longer than a day, take away the free will of a person over time. He was put on an odd modified probation, where he had all of his rights as a citizen but had to check in with the Aurors once a month and attend The One Where Everybody Finds Out. 19) Drowned in lake during second task "He took her and Jeremiah to my mother's room on the third floor. She felt like her emotions were about to boil over a second time and any moment. Ron kept apologizing as he had been convinced that Harry had been drunk and hadn't realized that he had been dosed with a love potion, but he didn't blame his friend. He heard Harry scream his pleasure as Severus made the ass plug vibrate as well. " "Consider it done. *Warnings*: rape, domestic abuse, past child neglect, mpreg, OOC. He returned to his potion as his love He was completely sick of always being told that he was a disgrace and that his potion making abilities were just dreadful. "I suppose he and Ginny were going to drag us off to have their way with us. "oh, and could you send it through your deliver or Filch will have me expelled when he finds them at the checkpoint. Battered and bruised from obvious torture, she met his gaze and refused to back down. Usually Harry gets all the potions removed with some sort of flushing potion or whatnot. That was all it took to snap what control he had over his temper. There couldn't be – love potions didn't make people act like this… But she'd had the thing for months. Everyone knew Snape hated Harry, he'd shoo him away just on principle. Ginny and Ron Weasley have been dosing their respective partners with love potions. Hermione worked out instantly what it was. "Mr. But such secrets can’t be kept quiet forever. 'Harry is going to be furious when he finds out that the prophecy was a fake. Hermione finds she was fed love potion as well. He felt his ears prickle, like his body was reacting to what he had read. However if he came home very angry from work and Harry made a mistake, He would take off his belt and strick Harry across his back. He'd tell her what happened when he left. And the colour of her eyes! They just—" "HARRY!" "— pull you in, they're so hypnotising. Later that day, the Potter family and Sirius sat around the kitchen table. Ronald Weasley had always lived under shadows: under the shadows of his older brothers, of his best friend… He wished that when the War ended, he would finally step out of the shadows and get what he had always wanted: Hermione Granger, the girl of his dreams. Harry gets fed love potion by the Weasleys, initially to make him fall in love him Hermione. Saturday April 26. It will find her perfect guy and help them get together without them being so out of it like love potions. Welcome to the Potions and Snitches (P&S) Fanfiction archive. She grabbed his face and kissed him for all her worth. At breakfast, we need to put a few drops of the love potion in their pumpkin juice. He'd had a long weekend on patrol in Knockturn Alley. Only Harry and Hermione showed positive as expected and they were consequently given flushing potions. The Department of Magical Education finds it necessary to call your attention to Ministry Educational Decree No. We need a potions master for this year, and he is the best fit. It's time to renew our hosting plan. And she was just a student. A short time later, he took off without explanation, and Harry did not see him for the rest of the day. Aug 2, 2007 · When he heard Harry's words he knew there and then he had destroyed any chance he had. Everybody stared at him. They both had a violent reaction to the potions more than that was expected. He knew then that Poppy had slipped him a sleeping draft. He turned back to face Harry, "You see, if Hermione is in some sort of spell, surely she'll come out of it if she realizes she might miss an opportunity to learn. After finding out that he was being fed love potions by Ginny Weasley just before he proposed, Harry Potter, the youngest Head Auror alive, also finds out that his best friend Hermione Granger is also being fed the same thing by his so-called best friend Ron Weasley. Jun 22, 2020 · Intrigued, he focused on the petite witch laying on the floor. He made his mind up then, James and he had created a love potion over the holidays, with the sole purpose of using it on Lily Evans, but then James went and chickened out. Well, no he didn't need it, everyone in the school and nowadays out of it too, knew how amazing-stunning-handsome-brilliant he was, but still he liked it all the same. I’m sick of reading stories where Ginny feeds Harry a love potion to make him love her, so here’s a love potion story with a bit of a twist. Yes, I would love to go out with you some day. 17) Burned alive by Chinese Fireball Dragon. " "Righto," was the rather eager response on the other end of the line. As for potions class I'd suggest conjuring a perfect potion that isn't the one Snape asked for to mess with his head. W. " Harry nodded. She felt like a potion that Ron and Harry had let stew for too long in potions class. Numerous bruises and cuts littered the boys' torso and back along with broken ribs, he had a broken left wrist as well. Ron had defended her actions to Hermione, and that potential relationship had died a sudden death as well. Disclaimer: I don't own HP, no money being made off of this, just for enjoyment only. 'That's a symptom of the antidote being needed. He sent the letter off with Hedwig, along with a box of Hermione's favorite chocolate. From what I can remember, it has a metamorphmagus Harry manipulative Dumbledore, Ron, Ginny and Molly bashing, harmony pairing and it starts out where Hermione's hiding under an invisibility cloak after she's run away from the order cause she finds out that she got obliviated and that that she and Harry were being fed love potions keyed to Ron and Ginny, and she starts to remember that after I read a fic based on an adjacent premise a long time ago. Now done. He finally realizes it. Now after hearing Sirius' will Harry finds out that he has to marry not just one girl, but three. " "Oh, for fuck's sake," Harry huffed as he tried to control the palpitations in his heart. This makes a lot of sense to me. "Harry," he said first, though Ginny knew it was just for appearance's sake. When he walked by, he heard something that he'll never forget. Whenever Harry would mess up cooking a dish or drop a plate, he would hit him over the head and throw him into his cupboard. In the memory Snape was in the head masters office with Dumbledore, Molly, Ron, and Ginny Weasley, Remus Lupin, and Mad eye Moody. But all the way at the end of the rack was what he was looking for—an indicator potion! He picked up the vial of clear liquid and studied the back of it. " Lucius handed a couple Sickles to Severus and turned down an aisle that boasted a large display filled with love potions. “Expelliarmus,” Harry hissed, and snatched Lockhart’s wand out the air. How could I have forgotten about the portkey that took Harry out of the Hogwarts grounds, only too see the Dark Lord regain his body. Eventually love potions would be renamed the liquid love imperius potion. Neville let out a loud groan as a loud racket pulled him from his exhausted stupor where he lay stretched out on the sofa. He responded with vigor, and soon that kiss turned Aug 10, 2024 · Gomez Addams finds baby harry while out for a walk, he takes him as his own son, what follows are the tales and adventures of Harry James Addams and the family who are thrilled to have him, Join me as we watch harry grow from a young lad into the man he chooses to be. The potions seep out of his system one by one, and the more that disappear, the more pain in Harry's heart. Ever since then, the Ministry-approved use of love potions has been an important part of the Hogwarts Potions curriculum for all fifth year students. "We're the ones who He, being Harry, supposed it was ironic as Halloween was a day for the dead and for his parent's deaths. "Hurry it up Freak!" Harry quickly dried his hands on a nearby towel and hurried to the door to grab the letters. Ginny's being unreasonable, Ron's being Ron, and Harry & Hermione are at their wits end. He snarled, head pounding and his wand was up and out before he even could contain himself. He attached the holster, which had charms so no one else could remove the wand from them, on the inside of his forearm. 1. E. I love holding her hands, the skin —" "Potter!' Romilda breathed a sigh of relief. Started being fed love, lust & jealousy potions by Ginerva Molly Weasley, assisted by Molly Weasley nee Prewitt during Summer. Anima Vinctum By: tratatolord. "Harry, before you go, I need to know something. He will be here tomorrow. He has to be married to take control of the Potter wealth. "She thinks I am in this class for other reasons than my ability, though it may be weak, potion making skills. May 25, 2019 · Ron hustled over, apparently decided that helping Harry out of his robes was the most expedient way to get out of the mess he was currently in—he slipped out, Fang shook the robes— Harry's wand flew out and clattered on the floor. "Deal. 16) Pushed down stairs by jealous Ronald Weasley. Ironically, there are far-reaching consequences. Being mistreated by Snape, being the target of multiple expulsion attempts by Malfoy, and just being the Boy-Who-Lived they're just too much for Harry to handle. He wanted out. He could feel Draco's rising member start to poke Harry through his pants, and knew that his own would be felt against the pale teen's stomach any second. Harry felt a spark of anger flare before something smothered it. "You all have been exposed to the love potion," he informed them. The imperius curse is banned for a reason. "But I love watching you making I can't even remember how many fics I've read where Harry finds out he's being dosed with compuslion potions, love potions, loyalty potions, or whatever other kind of sinister thing an author can think up. " Feb 12, 2022 · I was being fed love potions for Ginny since I was 12, that's two years of being given a love potion. , Hermione G. Hermione smiled a sickeningly sweet smile. He had never given her a word of praise and even if he were impressed with her work, he would never show it. He passed two of them to Harry who put 15 galleons on the desk before walking out of the room. Ragnok got up from behind the desk and made his way to the door, he turned so he was facing Harry and Bill and then spoke. This changes everything" he said before fainting out cold. "Cast the paternity spell," he commanded as he turned to meet the blonde witch's gaze. I don't remember the details, but one of the core points was how Harry and Bill Weasley bonded as both being conceived under influence under a love-potion, and how that made them unable to feel love in their lives. She put a hand on his arm and gave him a look of desperation. The Love Potion When a person drinks from the love potion, they will immediately fall in love with the person they see first. Disclaimer: not mine. Instead, he just walked by. He knew that if he didn't get out of the Gryffindor common room soon he would lose it. For some reason, she grated on him and she didn't know why. Get out!" Professor Snape instructed angrily and Harry protested, "I" Harry started. " Hermione answered shuddering at the thought. He turned around to discover it was in fact, Hermione. Hence the reason he was now scrubbing cauldrons by hand under supervision from his greasy potions master. The wizard's patience and care were noted by Oct 24, 2019 · She was mental, completely bonkers! He couldn't fathom how anyone or anything could love that piece of crap. Still, Hermione was right; Harry Potter has a saving people thing! LOVE POTION. His only crime was being born under the influence of a love potion. Both Harry and Ron stared after her, and then Ron shrugged and dove in. Her accusation that Harry knew nothing about love, didn't understand it, and would only embarrass himself by talking about it – that was what he was pondering. "B-but Albus, what are we going to do about Ginny. Harry, amazed that this was even possible looked down at his potion. Oswald's!" Harry nodded as he thought of his father-in-law, now safely moved into the wizarding old folks' home near Finchley. He got you to go there because he told you Romilda Vane was there for extra potions lessons, and you believed him so you went there and then while Slughorn was making the potion he gave you some of his wine, but it actually turned out the wine was poisoned, so you got poisoned but Harry was smart and grabbed a bezoar and you're fine now. She will have her revenge, and it will be sweet. May 1, 2023 · He told me there are some things he might want in St. Daphne stared at him for a few moments before she laughed. Nov 18, 2013 · it's Christmas Eve Day, and they're at it again. "Sirius, don't!" "Harry – get – out of it!" Sirius tried to push the boy out of the way, but the boy-who-lived wouldn't budge. Vernon also heard the sound, "Boy! Get the mail!" He yelled out grumpy as he flipped another page of his newspaper. “You really are a fool. Harry, blissfully ignorant of any emotional ongoings as ever, took his mug readily. Snape rushed down the aisle to attend to the four students dripping in goo. "He blustered and prevaricated as usual, but gave the impression that he had been caught out cheating at exploding snap, not illegally dosing me with filthy love potions. I… I think they may have fed us love potions last year… I think that's why we had such a bad year. " Jul 14, 2020 · Harry said after he had collected his wand. Severus then grabbed an ass plug and fucked Harry with it until this ran out. Where were all the teachers then? In fifth year Harry had to endure the ridiculing and the torture given by Dolores Umbridge by using a blood quill. , OC] - Chapters: 17 - Words: 21,712 - Reviews: 32 - Favs: 100 - Follows: 98 - Updated: 8/23/2015 - Published: 8/7/2012 - Status: Complete - id: 8405552 Harry Finds out. Snape healed everything and gave Harry lots of potions along with the instruction that he must have a nutrition potion before breakfast everyday and before dinner/tea (the elves would place one in front of him before he ate). Harry finds out the truth. , N. In the end, the wizarding world rallied behind the Boy Who Lived Twice and James was spared. "Lastly a marriage contract was created for Harry James B Potter and Ginerva Molly Weasley by Dumbledore and your parents however Harry already had a Marriage contract and so this was a fake and against the law. All he could think was 'I just scared the life out of my own flesh of blood. You said yourself that Harry's feelings are getting stronger. In my mind, love potions are practically a date rape drug, I feel horrified to know that I was given one at all, let alone one for two years. What if Harry had been dosed with love potions? What if he found out, and what if he went to the friend that stood by him no matter what? The friend that would do anything to help their friend. We love you. Warnings: Albus Dumbledore, Lily Evans, Hermione Granger, Molly Weasley, Ron Dumbledore, and Ginny Weasley bashing. There was no way he was still under the influence of her love potion. " "What love potion?!" "Oh my, it's worse than I thought. "She slipped him a love potion! Merlin, I'm an idiot for not thinking of it sooner. " They shook hands. "How about we give you a bottle or two of our finest love potion?" George cut in. 'So if Harry had a love potion, this probably means that Hermione also had a love potion. Two hours later Severus looked at Harry when he heard the boy groan. God knew whom Ron thought about first these days. He knows it will work. Harry finds out the man he loves is still alive. He knew the whole story. Who was the other woman you were in love with, before the awful potions were given to us?" Harry realizes there are no consequences to bad behavior and decides to try it out. Now, that I finally know, there's no reason to hesitate any longer. How many stories feature cackling Weasleys, churning out love potions only to be caught red-handed and called out as date rapists or worse? Sweat slid down Harry's face and he bit into Draco's soft earlobe. She didn't understand what it was about her that, well to put it bluntly, pissed him off so much. Fourth Year Hogwarts. Now this year we were fed love potions by supposed best friends Ronald Bilius Weasley and Ginevra Molly Weasley. He decided to sit down and wait on Harry to wake up. Harry took the piece of parchment offered and sliced the dagger across his thumb, he let the required three drops of blood fall onto the parchment before he stuck his thumb into his mouth to stop the bleeding. The snake only attacked after Vernon Dursley almost killed Harry. Chapter 3 . Fortunately for them, a little seasonal help is on the way. We know also that Harry was fed love potions by Ronald Weasley in his food so he would love Ginerva fully whether he wanted to or not. ' Her mother began to speak, so Ginny began to pay attention again. Harry knew he should feel weirded out that he was being fed like a child, when he was actually 20 years old, but instead, it felt comforting. Then of course he'd killed Dumbledore, and she had forced him out of her mind. Prologue. And, he threatened those of us who were there that if we ever said anything about missing you, he'd kill us without a second thought. Meanwhile, down in the champions' tent… The champions were all waiting nervously for the task to start. For E. 'Oh yes, he is Potions professor. This is AU. By JanieOhio and DarryMadhatter. "Nice vocabulary mate. Snape's office Harry Potter was forced to compete in a tournament meant for 17 year olds. A thought jogged his memory halfway up to the second landing and he doubled back. "Dobby?" He called. With a quick wave of his wand Harry made Severus unconscious healthily as though he was going in for surgery. Yes, fanfiction is full of love potion use, but usually only as a mechanism for character bashing, or as a way for love potions themselves to be bashed. "Ah, yes," he said softly, "Harry Potter. Ginny knew then that Dumbledore had just ensured that Harry would never trust him again. "Thanks. Hermione watched, pussy quivering as Harry made her shapely cheeks clap and jiggle. " She had been so caught up in the emotions she was feeling watching Harry kiss another girl, that girl being Ginny no less, that she'd completely forgotten that there was such a thing as a love potion. "Professor, please, I didn't know" Harry tried again and Professor Snape punched him square in the jaw. He saw how whenever he saw Harry, who was a replica of his father, he could not control his childhood emotions and gave in despite his better judgement. He saw Severus being tricked to go to a dilapidated shack where he was confronted by a werewolf. She shook her head. " Sirius interrupted. HarryTonks, onesided HarryHermione, RonHermione. He was innocent. ” Lockhart looked gobsmacked and he could almost hear Hermione’s gasp of horror. Hermione didn't need any more. "Choose what you need. " said Judge. " He handed a large medicine dropper over and Harry set to work. Similar to the idea before last but slightly different: The Love Potion affects romantic feelings toward Ginny, but it does not guarantee a great relationship. Draco let out an angry yelp, being unfortunate enough to get a jet of it shot straight into his face. Contains a little Molly, Ginny, Dumbledore bashing Rated: Fiction T - English - Drama/Family - Adam P. Will he change his mind over time? *during TGOF* multiple POVs Rated: Fiction T - English - Fantasy/Romance - [Severus S. The boy is showing no similarities to James Potter and Severus becomes curious and heads to Dumbledore for answers. Oct 1, 2020 · Not from Dumbledore, not from the school rumour mill. Amortenia. " The Dark Lord Harry get thrown back in time (it was an accident honest) were he meets someone he thought he knew Harry Potter - Rated: K - English - Romance - Chapters: 11 - Words: 46,719 - Reviews: 566 - Favs: 557 - Follows: 536 - Updated: 6/6/2005 - Published: 11/13/2003 - Harry P. "She had seen you advising me in class that I had been ready to add the wrong ingredient. S requirement course, to find out what was eating away at Harry's soul, Draco worked faster. Harry slapped her ass hard like he had seen in Uncle Vernon's stash of porno tapes. "Harder and faster! I need it bad!" Ginny cried out in a pathetic whine. 4K from March, 11th, 1721. He did not know what was about to happen, but for the first time in a long time, Harry Potter was excited to find out. "If you would excuse me. You felt in love with Ginny and sisterly love with Hermione, when it should've been the opposite way. Whether feelings for this person exist or not, they love this person for a month. "Your lessons are at an end. Response to Pottersplace3's September scene writing contest. Nov 1, 2023 · "Harry!" "— soft, and her voice could put me to sleep. Harry was fed up with the secrets. " Severus could tell that his son was feeling sick so he accioed an anti-nausea potion and fed it to his son. Harry didn't stay passive. I remember it as quite sweet and heartwarming. A Hinny true-love story, plain and simple. 18) Eaten by Hungarian Horntail Dragon in first task. " He heard Ginny whisper loudly to her friends -although she probably intended for everyone to hear. "I wonder if I can get Dobby to wrap it up for me so it stays fresh," Harry said as he eyed the piece of tart while trying to hide his disgust. That is why at the beginning of the summer back in June they started to give the two love potions. He stood up and walked over to him. A/N: Having Severus as the potion Professor for this story and having Remus as the DADA Professor as well. Harry sat in Lily's lap as she spoon fed him, while James and Sirius sat beside them. Seems the potion mix they gave us yesterday negated the love potions rather like an antidote. Will have mpreg-m/m/m- Warning! Don't read if don't like! He began stretching Harry with it. Harry knew it then why Voldemort had Daphne Greengrass give him love potion, so that he would be arrested and thrown into what remained of Azkaban. It wasn't even the first or second time the man had beaten Harry. Ginny is shockingly kind to Daphne about it, trying real hard not to gloat that a crush on her feels like a love potion. He gulped the delicious potion down in one shot. He never really enjoyed being mean to others, his father was the only thing stopping him from being nice. The label read, "Indicator Potion. He wouldn't have thought love potion if he had seen any of his friends acting the way Apr 10, 2017 · The problem, or perhaps the solution, was that Harry fell in love with Potions. Fed up with the self proclaimed "prince of Slytherin". Smiling, Harry began to unbutton Draco's dress shirt. And Harry groaned in frustration, trying to work it out of his hair with his bare hands. " She started. They were discussing how, after failing yet again to get the Potter boy killed by Voldemort, they were going to change their plans and kill Harry them selves 'after' he had been fed love potions and made Ginny pregnant. Even so Harry couldn't help being angry with him. Harry shrugged and nodded shortly. And then…" Granger looked uncertainly at Severus. Nov 2, 2023 · Her reputation as a skilled potion mistress was not just a testament to her talent, but a tribute to the education she had received. He…encouraged Harry, told him to focus. Harry became angry, not at Daphne but at Voldemort and himself - he had been out smarted by the Dark Lord once again. He knelt before the snake and it coiled around his arm and up his body. Ginny squealed and clenched her ass on him. "Well, I see no reason to continue this trial. Potter, I would start by saying you're not in any sort of trouble," the teacher reassured as he directed a charm to clear the board and another to close up the sample container from Harry's class. The medicine dropper worked perfectly, and Harry patiently fed the entire potion to his owl one dropper full at a time. , Harry P. First part of two stories. He knew his only chance was to leave and hide until he turned of age. "I think you lost the moral high ground here when you fed my sister a love potion. When Harry asks Molly about how she used to brew love potions, she explains that he was thinking of the most powerful compulsion one. " He then pressed a button on an intercom. Dobby be back in less than a…" he popped out and back, "minute. Our new — celebrity. I also need to finish up on my list of things I will be in need of during the school year. When you get back, I have a surprise for you. Mainly Snarry with Romione and Wolfstar on the side. I saw fear in his eyes, I really scared him' Not that he blames Ginny for being a bit possessive over Harry especially when it came to Hermione. Harry finds out that he's been lied to his whole life by Dumbledore but thanks to a correctly brewed heritage potion he finally learns the truth. "Harry actually struggled to produce a corporeal Patronus for the first time since Lupin first taught him how. She'd felt terrible when the truth had come out. "All he did was love me. Talking was becoming just as much as a struggle. He was adjusting. They both go to Australia to find her parents. ' Jul 9, 2015 · What if he found out, and what if he went to the friend that stood by him no matter what? The friend that would do anything to help their friend. He still had a number of questions, but he knew better than to ask. Summery: The other girls are annoyed that James is concentrating solely on Lily. He was surprised to find that the The students of Slytherin house were officially fed up. Since the will made Harry an adult he was able to take control of the Potter wealth, but there was one little glitch. "Dobby is here Harry Potter sir," The little elf replied when he popped in. There were horrible potions in here, draughts of living death, poisons of all types, acids, love potions and confundus potions. Or more than usual. If you would like to contribute some funds, here is our P&S donation page! Thank you so much! This is the home for stories exploring the general relationship between Severus Snape and Harry Potter. He wanted to get out of the shop, and return to his own shopping- or rather, Katrina's needs. "Hello, I think we're going to need an expert on undoing love potions. Instead, he nodded and followed Lucius into the apothecary. "Mr Wright?" "Yes your Ginny stared at him. " As Draco was walking to Potions, he couldn't help but notice Harry yelling at Ginny. Thousands of tiny pink spores burst into the air. Explained Ragnok as he handed Harry a piece of special parchment he had retrieved from a draw in his desk and a ritual dagger. Especially since he was who he was. "You t'ink Blaise gave me potion?" Harry struggled to keep following what his two ex-friends were saying. Oh no… "Don't you dare," she snarled, attempting to pull out her “Don’t worry my boy, I’ll sort it out!” Lockhart cried. Dec 10, 2023 · Harry felt his heart was being scrunched up like a piece of A4 paper. "Dean, mate," Ron said in a deceptively calm voice whilst he held his shoulder in a death grip. As you know from Slughorn's class, a love potion will make them fall in love even more, and it'll also make them want to admit that they're in love to each other. When he came I've enclosed a sample of both the potion they used for me and the powder they used on you. Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,933 - Reviews: 186 - Favs: 496 - Follows: 306 - Published: 8/24/2017 - Harry P. He'll be so annoyed that you brewed a potion more excellent then he ever could even if it wasn't the potion he asked for. He nodded. He finds what he's looking for in the restricted section… Harry slips the potion into Hermione's goblet when she turns her head. When Harry finds out the truth he has an unusual reaction to the news, but Hermione is simply furious. But Merlin help her, Severus Snape wasn't the best choice to fall in love with. Her big brown eyes and wild dark hair were the same as many witches in the Slythrein line. He knew that and he had thanked them profusely when he found what they had done. Because of the old coot giving you a love potion, you got the emotions you have for the two females mixed up. Harry tried to tell Ginny they weren't going together and he wasn't actually planning to go. They quickly went inside and asked to be checked for love potions. Harry worked at a rate Hermione wished he did every day, and Hermione, being unable to instantly figure out what he was up to, turned her attention to a small phial, seemingly untouched, nestled on the table. - Chapters: 19 - Words: 33,493 - Reviews: 202 - Favs: 483 - Follows: 484 - Updated: 9/18/2021 - Published: 6/17/2012 We do business with pranks that make people laugh, never with anything harmful. "Wake up," Draco said, Harry lifted his head, "Drink this," the blonde shoved a vial of the potion in his face. His life takes a drastic turn when he decides against being a saviour and he sets out on his own. ' 'It was obviously Bulstrode!' concluded Goyle. He spends an entire night looking for some way to help her in the library. Some mature scenes. 2 days ago · Hermione's eyes caught Harry's, asking if he was okay with her leaving. " Clark had to hold back the growl he wanted to let out at this knowledge. "I just know you'll love it Harry," Ginny replied eagerly as she quickly handed the piece over to Harry. " Draco Malfoy and his friends Crabbe and Goyle sniggered behind their hands. They were fine with him strutting all about the school like he owned it(the Slytherins did own it), fine with his all time complains to his father (it's not like they can say anything against his father), even with his "holier than thou" attitude, but enough was enough. She had been found out and almost universally ostracized afterwards. "Witches," he mumbled through a mouthful of food, and accepted Lavender's eagerly-held-out forkful as well. He was going to bloody rape you! …sorry. Dec 8, 2018 · In Harry's speech in front of the wizengamot, he explained that using a love potion was taking away a person's free will, which was like using the imperius curse. But then Ron discovers he has feelings for Hermione, so Hermione swaps Harry for Ron, and the Weasley parents start feeding Harry a GinGin-love potion. " And just as Ron had predicted, Hermione came running down the staircase of her dormitory, still in her night gown, frantically scanning the common room. Deciding that the only way he'll start dating them again is if Lily is pissed off with him so much he'll NEVER get back in her good books they feed her a love potion… Harry was pissed and he was having trouble holding his temper back. "Oh, what?" his voice was a lot smaller than he expected. Professor Snape came into the classroom and *like Flitwick, started the class by taking the roll call, and like Flitwick, he paused at Harry's name. " He wrapped his arms around her. So that day he strode in the Potions Classroom with that air of combined confidence and politeness only he could pull off. Good Tom/Voldemort. Harry cried out as he activated them with his wand. She couldn't be attracted to a murderer. "Me and Harry are going as a couple. With that thought in mind he turned on his heel only to be stopped by Ronald Weasley who grabbed his arm. - Complete When he pulled out his wand, he heard someone call after him. Much more than the uses of unicorn horn in sleeping draughts, anyway. Warning: MA rating, gay sex, strong language, mpreg. This sounds familiar to the plot of Jbern's Bungle in the Jungle. Love, Harry. I'm going to look over here. Ollivander raised an eyebrow but did not comment. Over-age, she may be, but he knew he would never look at her twice and that he never did. Harry knew full well how to make a decent potion but Snape seemed not able to acknowledge it. I'd like to try and see him sneer then bloody bastard. "I'm just kidding. Heavy Weasley/Dumbledore bashing. Of course there's always a Scrooge lurking about. Saying some bull about how he couldn't do that to his Lily. "Hey! That reminds me!" he called, and he listened to Hermione's musical laugh with "Oh dear, it seems the love potion she gave you hasn't worn off yet. T. He had everything planned. He cut all along the dark mark and stoppered basilisk venom and healing ointments into the cut. And so no one seemed surprised when Ron slid the mugs on the wooden table, fussed around with them, and handed them out by name. gdr wngym xmgcwx npn lciw wmj ojexndu ugeql dnzqux qsqvuho